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Definition of Military Service

For this purpose, military service is defined as any full-time training or duty, no matter how described under federal or state law, for which a service member is ordered to report by the President, Governor of a state, commonwealth, or territory of the United States, or other appropriate military authority.

School Attendance / Course Examination

In accordance with state laws and regulations (330 ILCS 60/5.2), a service member enrolled in an institution of higher learning who is unable, because of his or her military service, to attend classes on a particular day or days has the right to be excused and to reschedule a course examination administered on such day or days. The faculty and administrative officials shall make available to the service member an opportunity to make up any examination he or she has missed because of his or her military service.

Withdrawal to Enter Active Military Service

A student who wishes to withdraw from the University to enter active military service must formally withdraw through the Office of the University Registrar. Students can come in person to 107 Moulton Hall or email to withdraw. More information can be found on the University Withdraw page. Within 10 days after the student's last day of class attendance, evidence proving the student was inducted into active military service must be provided to the University Registrar.

The Office of the Registrar will indicate on the withdrawal form the reason for withdrawal as "active military service". The Registrar's Office will send a copy of this evidence to the Office of Student Affairs. Upon completion of the withdrawal process, other University offices will be notified as appropriate.

NOTE: The student is responsible for returning any laboratory equipment and library materials, paying any parking fines, and removing parking decals from registered vehicles.

Withdrawal Deadlines

Term Withdrawal Deadline
First half semester course(s)
End of 6th week of the term
Full semester course(s)
End of 12th week of the term
Summer session
Withdrawal prior to 75% of class time

Withdrawal Prior to the Deadline

Should the student withdraw prior to the Military Service Withdrawal Deadline for the term, the student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees, except for the health insurance fee, and will be eligible to re-enroll in the course(s) at a later date. Upon withdrawal from the course(s) and receipt of a full refund, the course(s) will be removed from the student's record. Upon re-enrollment in the course(s), the student will be granted a priority registration status over other students seeking to enroll in the courses.

Withdrawal After the Deadline

Should the student withdraw after the Military Service Withdrawal Deadline, the student may be eligible to receive full credit for coursework completed with his or her instructor's and department's approval. Any grade awarded to a student withdrawing after the deadline will be based on work completed by the student as of the withdrawal date. The student has the option of choosing to receive a grade based on work completed or to withdraw from the course.

  • If the student chooses to receive a grade and if the instructor and/or department determines that a grade can be awarded, grades are to be reported on the response portion of the Military Service Withdrawal letter that the instructor will receive from the Office of the Registrar. The student's final grades will also be available the day following the grade submission deadline.
  • If the instructor and/or department determines that a grade cannot be awarded, the Office of the Registrar will notify the student of this decision. The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees, except for the health insurance fee, and will be eligible to re-enroll in the course(s) at a later date. Upon withdrawal from the course(s) and receipt of a full refund, the course(s) will be removed from the student's record. Upon re-enrollment, the student will be granted a priority registration status over other students seeking to enroll in the course(s).
Returning to Illinois State

If a student would like to return to Illinois State after discharge from military service, an application for admission must be completed for readmission to the University. The readmit application process should be done as early as possible to help ensure a smooth transition back to the University. However, if re-enrollment is delayed beyond the usual registration period due to military service, all late fees will be waived.

Re-Enrollment In Dropped Course(s)

Upon readmission to the University, the re-enrollment process for course(s) dropped due to a military withdrawal will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Students should contact the Registrar Service Center (RSC) as soon as possible once readmitted back into the previously accepted major. At that time, students should contact the RSC at (309) 438-2188 to confirm priority registration status for the specific course(s).